I received "Lagi Lagan" audio cd from Madhushree!!!! With her Signature which says " To Dinesh, With Lots Of Love Madhushree " ...... Wooooohooooooooooo!!! haha!!!!! i know, i might sound like a 10 y/o kid !!!! But there is no words to explained my feelings receiving this GIFT!!!
Getting the CD itself its a great experience...... Well it started of like this...
Yesterday at work, say about around 5Pm, i got a call from this 013 ..... number.... That guy asked for some name, which i was like " Huh???? Sorry wrong number" .... So i taut it was a prank call, which ive been getting alloot these few months thanks to some girls who have my number.... So i taut it was another 'play' from one of the girls.....
Then at about 9.45pm, i got the same call again, was half way sleeping, coz didint had a proper sleep the night b4 becoz had Exam yesterday morning, Legal System, which u need lotsa reading to understand each term. Ohh well, so in that sleepness, when he asked for some name.... it wasnt some name actually, it sounded like he is speaking in some weird language..... so sleepy+pisst off, i just hang the phone and went back to bed. i know, i can be rude at times....
Then this morning, Sat, 09/08/08, as usual my routine, every Sat morning its temple time with family, and again i got this 013 number calling numerous time when i was at temple praying, couldnt attend it becoz its against my policy to answer any calls when im at temple... Ofcource, i kept it in silent mode....
Then when i came back, saw this DHL notice on my gate, well, he slipt it inbetween the gate's sharp pole, and i saw its a delivery for "Dinesh Searam" .... I had a guess it could be from Madhushree, maybe a poster or something.... becoz only Madhushree calls me "Dinesh Searam, and not my real name Dinesh SCARAN... haha.... Guess the name SCARAN is weird and rare.... :P Then called the person to check it, he said its some document.... so i taut, ohh maybe from some overseas frens or from my University giving me warning letter or something... lol.... im not a crook in Uni, but yea, was afraid la... haha...
He came around 3.50pm.... and i went to collect it, then he asked me to sign and yeah, i got the parcel..... opened it, its from Madhushree, and to my surprise, it was the CD....!!!!!!!! i was too happy, i was like smiling all the way, and i controlled my happiness, coz sister was around. Didint wanna look like a clown doing those... haha....
What was funny, after getting the cd, i remembered about the 013 number.... so i called it up, and spoke to him, and he said he is the guy from DHL.... and i started laughing.. haha, he must think im a weirdo, well then he said " Ohh, saya sudah bagi you punya parcel kepada lelaki muda di rumah encik ye"
which means " Ohh, i already gave ur parcel to the young guy who was at ur home" ... and again i laughed, becoz he must have thought this "Dinesh Searam" is an old bald man... and not a 20 years old young guy..... haha....
Well i showed my sis, and she was like " cool !!!!! From Madhushree?? U Lucky guy!!!!" .....
I was too happy, it just made my day.... i wanted to share the cover with u guys, it took me 1 hour to repair my scanner... it took me loong time bcoz had to searched online the driver installer and such....
Ohh Well... here is the Cd Covers.... :D ... ohh yea, i never scan the lyric booklets which was attached in the CD cover itself yea, but ive scanned 2 inlay pages, 1 her message to her fans and another information about her. Here it is:
Ohhh btw, the songs r awesome..... u can really listen to what Madhushree has hid from us her talent, she can render the classical raag stuffs effortless.... and the Barsaan Lagi number is just toooooooooooo goooood!!! people..... PLEASE GET THE CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohh yea, im a bit sad that as a loyal fan, i couldnt get the excitement of getting the audio copy myself.... but yea, i must admit, in Malaysia, to get India Artist's private album CD here in audio stores is impposible, unless i buy it online tru credit card, but hey, im only a middle class student with limited cash... haha.....
Thanks Madhushree, ur the Only Artist who appreciates her fan.... never seen other singers does anything like this....... esp sending audio cd, which has not hit the stores to a fan who is far away in Malaysia...... It just warms my heart thinking im soo glad im a fan of an excellent singer with a heart of Gold...... THANK YOU mam.... with my whole heart..... May God Bless you and ur family..... :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAYYYYYY!!!!! again... lol!!
Signing Off...........
Dinesh Scaran,
Too good...
Very attractive...
Priceless Post too...
enjoy !
Hahah...thanks man!!! :D
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